
Does anyone else feel like when they look back at their life, they are looking back at completely different people at different times…..?

Good….because change usually means growth.

Even the versions of myself that didn’t serve me at the time, and kept me in a cycle of self sabotage, they taught me something thereafter. They are teaching me something now.

Biologically speaking humans do not (usually) go through the same metamorphosis as is attached the definition of the word;

1. : change of physical form, structure, or substance. 2. : a marked and more or less abrupt developmental change in the form or structure of an animal (as a butterfly or a frog) occurring subsequent to birth or hatching.

But psychologically speaking, change in habits, environments and behaviours, can completely change a persons personality, demeanour and attitude and often this then becomes a way of life, providing a contrast to the former lifestyle that could be described as a psychological metamorphosis. I have been studying recently, and noted on a recent assignment, social scientists defining big life changes and events at an individual level as having a collective impact, and as a consequence society is ‘made and remade’ and it got me thinking about the impact those various versions of me have had on the collective, society, maybe indirectly, but still. We are all connected, and this is the one constant that runs through our timelines, the impact we have on others, the consequences of our actions and ultimately the creation and exchange of energy in one form or another.

When we are living in a cycle of struggle, whether that be addiction, anxiety, depression, relationship issues, hating your job, physical ailments and pain, financial troubles, basically anything that threatens or impacts your ability to feel at ease, safe and secure, it is impossible for many to see anything outwith their own four walls. Progress is stunted and we can often feel ‘stuck in a rut’ or ‘treading water’. It opens the door to procrastination, self doubt, negative self talk and irritability and keeps us stuck in a loop of behavioural patterns that continue to reinforce more of the same. We tend to invite the same into our life, which is why it is essential to assess who we have around us, who we spend the most time with and the unconscious influence they may have on our life. We are conditioned as children to take instruction and follow orders, look for signals and auditory queues for certain tasks, so we are almost primed to be susceptible to influence from others, and whilst we must take responsibility for our role in the behaviours we exhibit and the things we do and say, we must also scrutinise the environment we live in, that nurtures or stunts our progress and development. After all, misery loves company!

These cycles of struggle can exist for years, and sometimes lifetimes, because without the awareness that the feelings and behaviours we are exhibiting are created by what we consume, the environment we are in, the people we are surrounded by, and the life experiences, events and traumas we have suffered, there is no recognition, and without the recognition and awareness there cannot be a route to create change and find acceptance.

Awareness is the catalyst for change, and the initiating factor in the process of what we will call our metamorphosis, it’s the first step, but it’ll not get you far without Accountability. To hold yourself accountable for all you’ve been and all you can be, taking responsibility for the things that need to be worked on and committing to this. And then you need to take Action to make change where change is required, which should materialise in Acceptance, the culmination of your efforts to strive for the best version of yourself. Accepting that we are a perpetual work in progress, that in order to continue to develop and grow as best as we can in an ever changing world we need to navigate the challenges that are presented, and celebrate the successes along the way. Aiming to get to a point where your individual situation has a positive impact on the collective and on an energetic level we raise the vibrations of those around us.

We can literally change overnight, you created your identity, the character, the avatar you live as, the rules you live by, the beliefs you hold and the attitude you show the world, they may have been shaped along the way by events and traumas, but ultimately this change was a consequence of your response to those events. If you started the process to change once before you can initiate the process of change with that catalyst of awareness for positive transformation any time you like.

The 4 A’s of Metamorphosis, Awareness, Accountability, Action and Acceptance.

I will leave you with this thought….

How many times in your life have things totally changed overnight, how did you change as a consequence?

- Check out our Experience Day and Courageous Conversations sessions if you would like some time to explore Awareness, Accountability, Action and Acceptance in your life.

Much love,

Emma x


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