If you build it, they will come…

So here we are….at the end of an exciting year of planning, creating and building the vision that is now The Mend Project.

My journey has taken me to a point where I felt compelled to create a space that people so desperately need.

In March 2020, like many of us, my world was turned upside down. In relation to business, I was facing immense pressures from a workload perspective because like many people I didn’t factor in a contingency plan for a global pandemic. Working in finance at this time, and having to respond to the ever changing legislation and funding announcements from the government was exhausting and overwhelming, and for the first year almost blindsided me to the fact that we were being completely coerced and conditioned into adopting this state of fear that seemed to be building momentum as the weeks and months passed. It is clear to see the damage and lasting impact that this has had on society. The fallout doesn’t seem to even be acknowledged in relation to just how significant a change it has made to individuals lives, behaviours, attitudes, childhood learning and development, industry, the list is endless. The world could be perceived as such a dark place, if you actively consume the content that’s available to you and it’s almost as if that’s the plan.

2020 was the year that broke me, I felt truly disconnected from myself, I turned to all the wrong things for comfort, all old familiar habits that easily made their way back in a time of perceived crisis, the easily available socially acceptable crutches. On the surface, I maintained a steely, hard-faced resilience, functioning, but behind the scenes I was falling apart. I attended therapy, learned a lot about myself and started studying, exploring alternative approaches and theories that underpin this experience we call life.

I came up with the concept of The Mend Project after experiencing the truly transformational effects of each of these offerings myself and knew I had to find a way of enabling more people to share new experiences and make real connections.

I know that the right people will make their way through the doors of The Mend Project, it’s the way the universe works….I’ll see you soon x


Why are you so angry, anxious and addicted?